Wednesday, January 27, 2021

This is the Time for Truth and Justice

This is the Time for Truth and Justice

Rabbi Gary S. Creditor

Richmond, Virginia

January 27, 2021

So many words have been thrown about to describe the events of January 6th, 2021 and then President Trump’s role. That day is inextricably connected to his attempt to disqualify the election results in Georgia where he said: “Find me 11,780 votes.” This was far more than a riot. This much beyond an insurrection.  This was an attempt at a coup d’état. This was an intentional plot to overthrow the constitutionally elected government of the United States. Words have meaning. Every word he said at every rally is inexorably linked to that day and that event, that should also be a day that “lives in infamy.”

I implore that news commentators. I beg the newspaper editors. Stop the euphemisms.

Say it plainly. Print it honestly.

Hold every single representative and senator to the highest bar of truth and justice.

Not once before in our history has there been an orchestrated attempt by the sitting president to overthrow this democracy and most certainly be prepared to declare a dictatorship.

While that last statement might seem extreme, a word I use intentionally, let us imagine the consequence if the invaders of the Capitol had been able to capture Representative Pelosi and then Vice President Pence, and the other Senators and Representatives. Hearing now their voices, chants and slogans, what they threatened to do, to see from their own electronic devices the weapons that they were carrying into the building, there certainly would have been more deaths that just the one policeman. Momentarily setting all other important issues to the side, with Donald Trump in the White House and in control of the executive branch, the legislative branch in shambles with many dead, and the judicial branch powerless, the next step was clearly for him to declare martial law, that the implementation of the elections was impossible, and that he would continue to be president! With the militias, white supremacy groups, antisemitic groups in Washington, D.C. and also proposing to attack state capitols, and armed with heavy attack weaponry of every variety that no one has had to backbone to outlaw, this was not an insurrection. This was a well-planned coup d’état, endorsed by Donald Trump and stoked by his every lie and subterfuge!

Now that the charge of impeachment has been brought to the Senate, in the very building where this coup was attempted, fed, fueled and fanned by the President, who, is, which must be noted,  the military commander in chief, any Senator that votes against convicting Mr. Trump, and by doing so does not hold him responsible to this attempted seizure of the government, is guilty of treason themselves.  Either they are with us or against us! There is no other way!

It is not enough to comfort ourselves and say that “the system worked,” that a new president was inaugurated, that the co-conspirators are being arrested. This is not enough!

The conspirator in chief must be held responsible!

We must prove to ourselves, never mind the world, that we believe, want and will defend this constitutional democracy, where no person is above or beyond the law.

This is not a political sideshow.

Enough hiding behind obscure English.

Say it plainly. Say it clearly.

January 6th, 2021 was an attempted coup d’état of the United States of America.

Anyone who participated in it is guilty of treason. From the highest to the lowest.

While “unity” is nice, that is not the issue of the moment.

This is a time for truth and justice.

When no one will be brave, no one will be free.

This is a time for truth and justice.

The nation demands it. History demands it. All those who fought and died for America demand it. The future generations yet to be born demand it.

Now is the time.

The Senate chamber is the place.